Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Thesis in T-12 Days

Okay, so I really need to factor sleep into my life. I overslept a racketball class... again. I went to bed around 6 last night... again. The interesting thing about this is the fact that I was working on my thesis the entire time, something I don't think I have procrastinated on at all. Well, luckily for me, it is almost completed (seriously this time) and ready for primary readings. I would love to get this out to Matsoukas tomorrow so that I have a full week of edits before submission on 4/28.

Blue/White Weekend is going to be a mess. There are so many alums coming in that are just fantastic. There is no way I am getting anything done from tomorrow night until late Sunday night. I currently have 21 pages of thesis done. The rest will be a lot of graphics and not a lot of writing. I think it will be around 60 pages start to finish when I am done. It will be cool to have something bound and up in the stacks forever. Hopefully some of this research will get published somewhere in a few years.

Back to the grind. Really glad I started blogging again.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

First Post

I am really excited about the coming weeks. With my new job assured and my thesis due date coming closer, I have begun thinking about the future and what it brings. One of the major things I have experienced is the way in which focus can change over time. I am not nearly as focused on learning as I have been in the past - probably a consequence of 170 credits of work and a secured future. It is weird that when this year started, I was thinking about getting my PhD. Now I can't even focus on the 13.5 credits I have.

Right now, I have finished playing some online poker and working on some control homework. I am pretty beat, but cannot fall asleep. Weird. I need to get a lot done on my thesis tomorrow in order to enjoy the next few days. I may try to stay up all night to do so, but I would rather not. The magic/appeal of the all-nighter has come and gone over these past couple years. April 28th cannot come soon enough.

I am going to try to fall asleep again. I miss blogging a lot. It always gave me a few minutes to organize myself and collect my thoughts. Hopefully I will be able to utilize it in the future to do the same.